Healing the Divide (Shabbat Vaera)

After Pharaoh lets the Israelites go, they gather to cross the Reed Sea. As they do, an erev rav, a “mixed multitude” gathers with them to travel to the Promised Land (Ex 12:38). According to the 11th century commentator, Ibn Ezra, this group includes Egyptians – some of whom, we imagine, had previously been loyal Pharaoh! How do our ancestors start anew after they leave Egypt, build a just, free, and civilized nation despite knowing some amongst them have previously pledged fealty to a tyrant?

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A Hidden Wholeness (Shabbat Vayechi)

Calling their father by the name he got after wrestling an angel, they say, “Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad – Hear Israel, our father, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One.” Listen, dad, they say – we still believe we are connected to something greater than each of us, and through this connection, our sufferings and joys, your life and ours, are all bound together as one.

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