Posts tagged Exodus
Healing the Divide (Shabbat Vaera)

After Pharaoh lets the Israelites go, they gather to cross the Reed Sea. As they do, an erev rav, a “mixed multitude” gathers with them to travel to the Promised Land (Ex 12:38). According to the 11th century commentator, Ibn Ezra, this group includes Egyptians – some of whom, we imagine, had previously been loyal Pharaoh! How do our ancestors start anew after they leave Egypt, build a just, free, and civilized nation despite knowing some amongst them have previously pledged fealty to a tyrant?

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Shabbat Shemot

Our tradition acknowledges, there are times when there is a clear conflict between what is legal – the decrees of politicians and legislators; and what is just – the higher moral codes of our religious and ethical traditions. It is at times like these we are inspired by those who realized the only way to redeem the world was to challenge the status quo in the name of a higher authority.

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Watching, Waiting, Reflecting: Dreaming in Times of Darkness (Parshat Bo, Exodus 10:1-13:16)

The world seems like a dark place right now. I don’t know if there is any way to effectively battle institutional racism, or the rampant capitalism that is all but destroying the middle class — or how to respond to a global climate crisis that has, by the estimations of most of the scientific community, passed its tipping point. I am afraid of what might happen next. When did my sense of trust that the world is always progressing toward some greater good all but vanish?

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Adam LavittMLK, Kabbalah, hope, Bo, Passover, Exodus