These days, we have no ephod, no mishkan; no priests making offerings of animal or grain. Instead, each of us serves as Priest, making offerings of heart, through our prayers, rituals, and good deeds. Through our sacred service we carry our entire people, those who are here, as well as those far away, or no longer here into the life of our community.
Read MoreAs “two separate peoples” striving against each other, we, too, are in existential pain, hindered in our ability to emerge from pandemic, or find clear ways to prevent climate catastrophe. But Rebecca, in her pain, does not despair. Rather, the Targum says, “…she went to pray before God in the House of Study...”. Rebecca goes to her community and prays. Only as she comes face to face with her Source…that Rebecca finally finds space for all the conflicting thoughts and feelings inside of her.
Read MoreToday, we come back into a sense of closeness with the divine presence. This Shabbat before Sukkot, we begin to see God not as transcendent king, but as immanent nurturer: We take refuge in God’s sheltering presence. Find protection and support - in the words we prayed earlier - in the sukkat shalom, the Holy One’s shelter of peace.
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