Much like the vaccine, the Jewish calendar repeats, administers a dose of hope or freedom – and then, because everything fades with time, delivers a “booster dose” the next year: spiritual practice, liturgy, and sacred story that helps us integrate the experiences we had during the year. In this way, Yom Kippur is a “booster shot” for forgiveness, Sukkot a “booster shot” for gratitude, and Purim a “booster shot” for joy: Misheniknas Adar marbim b’simcha / "Whoever enters Adar," the sages declare, "increases in joy."
Read MoreA few weeks ago, the largest glacier everbroke off the Antarctic ice shelf. As global temperatures soar and shorelines shrink at an accelerated rate, we become more aware of ways in which our resources are limited. This is compounded by our reactions to these realities. We fear the instability we are witnessing around the world and feel compelled to hold onto whatever resources might help us maintain our sense of safety, however illusory, for a little bit longer.
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